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Parameter Specimen Quantity Method TAT Price
Magnesium Serum/SST vials 2ml Xylidyl Blue Same Day 400
Malaria (Pv/Pf) PCR Whole Blood EDTA 2ml Real Time PCR Next Day 2200
Malaria Parasite (ICT) Whole Blood EDTA 2ml lmmunochromatography Same Day 400
Malaria Parasite (Microscopic Smear) Whole Blood EDTA / Direct Smear 2ml Microscopy Same Day 50
Malaria QBC Whole Blood EDTA 2ml Microscopy Same Day 300
Mantoux Test     lntraderma l Skin Test 3 Days 50
Micro albumin for Urine Sterile Screw Capped Container Sml lmmunoturbidimetric Same Day 300
Microfilaria QBC Whole Blood EDTA 2ml Florescence Microscopy Same Day 300
MPV (Mean Platelet Volume) Whole Blood EDTA 2ml Flow Cyto. Same Day 100
Nail Scraping Fungus Nail Scraping Smear   Microscopy Same Day 150
Nasal Smear for Eosinophils Nasal Swab   Microscopy Same Day 50
NT Pro-BNP Serum/SST vials 3ml ELFA Same Day 1500
Occult Blood Sterile Screw Capped Container 40ml Benzidine Test Same Day 50
Osmolality Blood/Urine Serum/Plastic Con. 2ml Freezing Point Same Day 700
P.C.V. (Pack Cell Volume) Whole Blood EDTA 3ml Wintrobe's Tube Same Day 50
Pap Smear 99% Ethanol fixed, Dry Smear + Clinical History   Microscopy Next Day 300
PFT       Same Day 250
Phosphorous Serum/SST vials 2ml Molybdate UV Same Day 100
Potassium I Sodium Serum/SST vials 2ml ISE (Direct) Same Day 150
Potassium,Spot Urine Sterile Screw Capped Container 5ml ISE (Direct) Same Day 150
Procalcitonin Serum/SST vials 3ml ELISA Same Day 1800
Prolactin Serum/SST vials 3ml ECLIA Same Day 450
Protein Serum/SST vials 2ml Spectrophotometry Same Day 70
Protein (24 Hrs.) Urine Sterile Screw Capped Container/24hrs Urine 40ml Spectrophotometry Same Day 100
Protein (CSF) Sterile Screw Capped Container 2ml Colorimetric Same Day 150
Protein Creatinine Ratio (Urine) Sterile Screw Capped l Container Oml Spectrophotometry Same Day 150
Protein Electrophoresis for M Band Serum/SST vials 2ml Electrophoresis Next Day 1000
Protein,Spot Urine Sterile Screw Capped Container Sml Spectrophotometry Same Day 100
Protein/ Creatinine Ratio (24 Hrs.) Urine Sterile Screw Capped Container/24hrs Urine 40ml Spectrophotometry Same Day 150
PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen Total) Serum/SST vials 3ml ECLIA Same Day 500
PSC (Peripheral Blood Smear) Whole Blood EDTA + Direct Smear + Clinical History 2ml Microscopy Same Day 150
PSC (Peripheral Blood Smear) with TPC Whole Blood EDTA + Direct Smear + Clinical History 2ml Microscopy Same Day 230
PTH (Para Thyroid Hormone) Serum/SST vials 3ml ECLIA 2 Days 1200
PIT (Prothrombin Time Test) 3.2% Citrate Plasma 3ml Coagulation Analyzer Same Day 300
R.B.S (ACCUCHECK) Finger Prick   Glucometer   50
Reticulocyte Count Whole Blood EDTA & Direct Smear 2ml Microscopy Same Day 70
Rubella lgG Serum/SST vials 3ml ELFA Next Day 400
Rubella lgM Serum/SST vials 3ml ELFA Next Day 400
Scraping for Fungal Elements Tissue Scraping Smear Microscopy Same Day 100
SCRAPT Cytology Tissue Scraping Smear Microscopy Same Day 300
Scrub Typhus - lgM, Ab Serum/SST vials 3ml ELISA Same Day 1200
SFA {Seminal Fluid Analysis) Sterile Screw Capped Container   Microscopy Same Day 100
SFA {Seminal Fluid Analysis) Fructose (Q) Sterile Screw Capped Container   Chemical Same Day 150
SGOT (AST) Serum/SST vials 2ml IFCC Same Day 100
SGPT (ALT) Serum/SST vials 2ml IFCC Same Day 100
Sickling Test Whole Blood EDTA 2ml Microscopy Next Day 70
SKIN Smear For AFB Skin Scraping Smear Microscopy Same Day 100
Skin Smear For Fungus Skin Scraping Smear Microscopy Same Day 100
Sodium (Na+) (24 Hrs.) Urine Sterile Screw Capped Container/24hrs Urine 40ml ISE (Indirect) Same Day 150
Sodium (Na+), Spot Urine Sterile Screw Capped Container lOml ISE (Direct) Same Day 100
Specific Gravity (24 Hrs.) Urine Sterile Screw Capped l Container/24hrs Urine OOml Urinometer Same Day 100
Specific Gravity (Urine) Sterile Screw Capped l Container OOml Urinometer Same Day 100
Sputum For Eosinophil & Neutrophil Sterile Screw Capped l Container Oml Microscopy Same Day 300
Stool for Occult Blood Sterile Screw Capped Container   Benzidine Test Same Day 40
Stool for Routine Sterile Screw Capped Container   Microscopy Same Day 40
Stool Fungus Sterile Screw Capped Container   Microscopy Same Day 100
Stool Sugar Sterile Screw Capped Container   Benedicts Test Same Day 20

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