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Parameter Specimen Quantity Method TAT Price
C3 COMPLEMENT Component Serum/SST vials 2ml lmmunoturbidimetric Same Day 700
C4 COMPLEM ENT Component Serum/SST vials 2ml lmmunoturbidimetric Same Day 700
CA 125 (Ovarian Cancer Marker) Serum/SST vials 3ml ECLIA Same Day 1000
CA 15.3 Serum/SST .vials 3ml ECLIA Sane Day 1200
CA 19.9 (Pancreatic Cancer Marker) Serum/SST vials 3ml ELFA Same Day 1200
Calcium (Ionized) Serum/SST vials 2ml ISE (Indirect) Same Day 100
Calcium (Total) Serum/SST vials 2ml Spectrophotometry Same Day 100
Calcium (Total) Spot Urine Sterile Screw Capped Container 5ml Spectrophotometry Same Day 100
Calcium (Total), 24 hrs. urine 24 hrs. urine with sterile screw capped container 3ml Spectrophotometry Same Day 150
Calcium/ Creatinine Ratio (24 Hrs.) Sterile Screw Capped Container/24hrs Urine 40ml Spectrophotometry Same Day 300
CEA (Carcino Embryonic Antigen) Serum/SST vials 3ml ECLIA Same Day 750
Chikungunya - PCR EDTA/SST vials 3ml Real Time PCR Same Day 1800
Chikungunya ( lgM) Serum/SST vials 2ml Immunochromatography Same Day 600
Chloride Serum/SST vials/Fluid 2ml ISE (Direct) Same Day 100
Cholesterol Serum/SST vials 2ml Spectrophotometry Same Day 100
Cholinesterase Serum/SST vials 2ml Spectrophotometry Same Day 300
Chyle Test Urine with Sterile Screw 30 ml. Capped Container 10ml Chemica l Processing Same Day 100
CK-MB Serum/SST vials 2ml Colorimetric Same Day 450
Clot Retraction Test Pla in Blood 5ml   Same Day 250
Complete Blood Count (CBC) Whole Blood EDTA with Direct Smear 3ml 7 Part Cell Counter Same Day 250
Coombs Test (Direct) Whole Blood EDTA 2ml Agglutination Same Day 250
Coombs Test (Indirect) Serum/SST vials 2ml Agglutination Same Day 250
Copper (24 Hrs.) Urine Sterile Screw Capped Container/24hrs Urine 40ml Spectrophotometry Same Day 1500
Copper, Blood Serum/SST vials 2ml Spectrophotometry Same Day 1500
Copper, Urine Screw Capped Container Urine 3ml Spectrophotometry Same Day 1500
Cortisol Serum/SST vials 3ml ECLIA Same Day 600
C-Peptide Serum/SST v ials 3ml ECLIA Same Day 1100
CPK (Creatinine Phosphok inase) Serum/SST v ials 2ml IFCC Same Day 350
Creatinine Serum/SST vials 2ml Enzymatic Same Day 80
Creatinine (24 Hrs.) Urine Sterile Screw Capped 100Containe r/24hrs UlSOrine 40ml Spectrophotometry Same Day 100
Creatinine (Fluid) Sterile Screw Capped Container 40ml Spectrophotometry Same Day 80
Creatinine Clearance (GFR) 24 Hrs. Urine Volume + Serum 2ml Enzymatic Same Day 250
CRP (C-Reactive Protein) Quantitative Serum/SST vials 2ml lmmunoturbidimetric Same Day 300
CSF Fluid for Cytology Citrate I Sterile Screw Capped Container 2ml Microscopy Next Day 300
Culture (All Type of Specimen) Sterile Screw Capped Container 40ml Auto/Disc Diffusion 3 Days 300
Culture (Automated) A ll Type of Specimen   Automated 3 Days 800
Culture (Extended) A ll Type of Specimen   Disc Diffusion 3 Days 500
Culture Bactec (Blood) Blood/Bact. A lert Bottle 10ml Automated 7 Days 1000
Cytology-Urine Sterile Screw Capped Container Oml Microscopy Same Day 250
Cytomegalovirus (CMV) Antibody, lgG Serum/SST vials 3ml ELFA Same Day 400
Cytomegalovirus (CMV) Antibody, lgM Serum/SST vials 3ml ELFA Same Day 400
DC (Differentia l Count) Whole Blood EDTA  & Direct Smear 2ml Microscopy Same Day 40
DC (Toxic Granules) Whole Blood EDTA  & Direct Smear 2ml Microscopy Same Day so
D-Dimer 3.2% Citrate Plasma 3ml ELFA Same Day 1250
Dengue (NSl& lgM) Serum/SST vials 3ml ELISA Same Day 800
Dengue (NS Ag, lgG & lgM) Serum/SST vials 2ml lmmunochromatography Same Day 1000
Dengue PCR EDTA/SST v ials 3ml Real Time PCR Same Day 1800
Dengue Profile Serum/SST vials 3ml ELISA Same Day 1000
Ds DNA (Double Stranded,native) Serum/SST vials 3ml ELISA Same Day 900
Dual Marker Serum/SST vials 3ml   Same Day 2000
ECG         200
eGFR Serum/SST vials 2ml Spectrophotometry Same Day 250
Electrolyte Extended Panel Serum/SST vials 3ml ISE (Indirect) Same Day 300
Enterocheck ISalonela Typhi- lgG, lgM Serum/SST vials 2ml lmmunochromatography Same Day 500
ESR 3.8% Citrate Blood 2ml Micro Capillary Method Same Day so
Estradiol {E2) Serum/SST vials 3ml ELFA Same Day 650
FDP 3.2% Citrate Plasma 3ml Agglutination Same Day 1000
Ferritin Serum/SST vials 3ml ECLIA Same Day 700
FNAC Ethanol fixed, Dry Smear + Clinical History Slide Microscopy Next Day 400
Folate {Folic Acid) Serum/SST vials 2ml ECLIA Same Day 1500
Free Thyroxine {FT4) Serum/SST vials 3ml ECLIA Same Day 300
Free Triiodothyonine {FT3) Serum/SST vials 2ml ECLIA Same Day 300
FSH {Follicle Stimulating Hormone) Serum/SST vials 3ml ECLIA Same Day 400
FT3 FT4 TSH Serum/SST vials 3ml ECLIA Same Day 750
FT4 TSH Serum/SST vials 2ml ECLIA Same Day 500
Fungal Culture Bactec {Body Fluid) Special sterile container available in our Lab 40ml Automated 14 Days 1500

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